Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Thoughts of a Frazzled Mother

It's been over a month since my last post and, while I've had many things I've wanted to write about (the struggles of breastfeeding, having to go back to work part-time and the emotional fallout of it, sleep), I haven't found a way to work out the time for it.

Usually, my baby-free time (naps, bedtime, Grandma babysitting) is spent trying to catch a nap, doing chores around the house, cooking, working, or running out to the grocery store (blissfully) alone. Sometimes, if KittyBaby has gone to bed at a decent hour (read: before 9pm), I may even have some time for a little videogame or some Netflix, but it's usually short-lived. I installed the Blogger app to my phone for this reason, then forgot about it for a month.

So, this is me, vowing to myself (since I have no readership), to write more.

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